As an added way to ensure your participants fit the exact profile of your target demographic, our advanced study builder has the option of adding screeners to the beginning of your study. The screener is totally customizable and allows you to ask participants a very specific question that will either include or exclude them from your study.
From this point, you can choose to select from the pre-saved list of Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Rating Questions or Popular Activities from the left side menu, or you can choose to generate your own by selecting the Add Question Button in the middle of the page.
If you were to select “Single Choice” from the left-side menu, for example, you would have access to a list of pre-determined, frequently asked questions.
Single Choice Screener Question
In a Single Choice screener question, participants may only select one correct answer. Depending on the answer they choose, they will either be Rejected from your study, Qualified for your study, or Advance to a subsequent screener question.
As an example of a Single Choice question that will either Qualify or Reject a potential study participant, suppose you ONLY want participants who rent their apartment or house to take your study, and do not want participants who own an apartment or home. You could ask the following Single Choice question: “Are you a homeowner?” Participants who answer yes will be rejected from your study, while those who answer no will qualify for your study.
As an example of a Single-choice question that Qualifies a participant, Rejects a participant, or allows them to advance to a subsequent screener question, let’s say you ONLY want study participants with a degree. You could ask the following Single Choice question: “Do you have a professional degree?” Participants who answer no will be rejected from your study, participants who answer yes will AUTOMATICALLY qualify for your study without answering additional screener questions, and those who say they have some other sort of certification will advance to another question that gathers more details about their education and qualifications.
Multiple Choice Screener Question
For a Multiple-choice screener question, participants may select more than one answer choice. When creating our screener, we must assign one of the following values to each answer choice we create: “Reject,” “Must select,” or “May select.” If a participant selects any answer choice with the “Reject” value, they will be rejected from the study. If a participant selects any answer choice given the “Must select ” value, they will qualify for the study, as long as they don’t also select an answer choice with the “Reject” value assigned to it. And if a participant selects any answer choice with the “May select” value, they may qualify for the study or be rejected, depending on what other answer choices they select.
In summary, in order for a participant to qualify for a study, they must select ALL answer choices with the “Must select” value assigned to them, and must not select any answer choices with the “Reject” value assigned to them. If a participant selects an answer choice with the “May select” value, they will only qualify for the study if they also select ALL answer choices with the “Must Select” value. If a participant selects an answer choice with the “Reject” value assigned to it, they will automatically be rejected from the study, regardless of any other answer choices they have selected.
As an example, let’s say our question is “What types of credit cards do you have?” Imagine that for our study, we want participants who own an American Express credit card, and do NOT want participants who own a Visa or Mastercard. It is not important to us whether participants own either a Discover Card or a Capital One card.
In order to qualify for this study, participants must select “American Express” as their answer choice, and must not select “Visa” or “Mastercard.” If “American Express” is selected alone or alongside either “Discover” or “Capital One,” the participant will qualify for the study. If either “Discover” or “Capital One” are selected alongside “Visa” or “Mastercard,” they will be rejected from the study. And if either “Discover” or “Capital One” are selected alone, they will be rejected from the study, as selecting “American Express” as an answer choice is required for this study.
Rating Screener Question
A Rating screener question either Rejects or Qualifies a participant for a study, or allows them to advance to an additional screener question based on the rating they provide for a specific question.
As an example, let’s say our study requires participants to have very good English pronunciation. We could ask our participants the following question: “How would you rate your English pronunciation?” Participants who select “Excellent” or “Native” as their rating choice will qualify for the study. Participants who fall more in the middle and select “Good” as their rating choice will advance to another screener question that gathers more information about their English language skills.
Lastly, participants who select either “Bad” or “Ok” will be rejected from this study, as they do not possess the needed skills to complete the study successfully.